Who We Are

The Society is a ministerium (order) of pastors who have been ordained in Lutheran churches throughout North America. Click below for a brief history and founding statement of the society.



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A Message from the Senior

Dear friend,

Welcome to the Society of the Holy Trinity web site.  A careful reading of the Rule of the Society will introduce you to our common work and prayer.  The Society came into existence on September 23, 1997, when, with prayer for the guidance of the Holy Spirit, 27 Lutheran pastors (ELCA, ELCIC, and LCMS) subscribed to the Rule.  This took place over three days of prayer and conversation at Loyola House in Morristown, New Jersey.  The Society emerged in a particular cultural and theological context.  The context is spelled out in the Founding Statement which included a call for the formation of this religious order.  However, members do not subscribe to the Founding Statement but rather to the Rule itself.  We also operate according to our By-Laws which can be found elsewhere on this site.  The 9.5 Theses are posted on our web site for historical interest because they are part — one part — of the pre-history of the Society.  It was because of lack of official ELCA response to these Theses, that discussions commenced among a wider pan-Lutheran group of pastors that led to the formation of the Society of the Holy Trinity.  Undoubtedly, with the passage of time new cultural and theological challenges will arise.  But the Society provides a ministerium that supports all pastors called to the ministry of word and sacrament in Lutheran Churches.  Because of its pan-Lutheran character, the Society does not become involved in the internal issues of particular Lutheran denominations, even though individual members of the Society may be involved in those same denominational issues.  While they do not act on behalf of the Society, we support them in their struggles for faithfulness by conversation, study, and prayer.  The STS (Societas Trinitatis Sanctae) is open to all Lutheran pastors of any Lutheran denomination from any country.  Currently our members are rostered in 8 different Lutheran bodies.  Most of our approximately 180 members are affiliated with one of 20 regional chapters that have been formed in the U.S. and Canada.  We also have several members at-large.  A list of chapter locations with deans is available at this site.  The best way to find out what the Society is about, is to attend a chapter retreat.  You may contact the dean of the chapter closest to you to receive information about a retreat.  If you are interested in becoming a member of the Society that can be done after prayerful deliberation and conversation with other members of the Society, a dean or the Senior and then by publicly subscribing to the Rule at the annual General Retreat, usually after declaring his or her intention to do so at a local chapter retreat.  Those who have no opportunity to gather in chapter retreats should communicate with the Senior.  They may then indicate their intention to subscribe to the Rule in writing to the Secretary of the Society (see STS Officer listing for address) . Annual dues, currently $330 per year, are to be sent to the Secretary.  They are due each year by Holy Trinity Sunday.  The annual dues include the registration cost of the General Chapter Retreat.  There is no separate registration fee for members.  Travel equalization to the General Chapter Retreat is also provided out of our dues.

We hope and pray that you might consider becoming part of our Society.  May the Lord bless you in your ministry.

The Reverend Senior Patrick J. Rooney STS